Don't know what animal has got me blind
Am i that dumbed for this to miss
this bright idea for me to kiss
This spark on me want's to blaze
To tell these people who gave me disgrace
Shut your mouth coz im gonna say
These words for you, you'd better pray
Im no superficial Fictionate matter
im not d one your eyes should be laid
Stop calling my name in vain
Coz ur no good, no worthy for my pain
Im not the celebrity, so dont crash me
Im not from Hollywood, nevr dreamed to be
So thank you for your time and next time..
Don't you dare waste mine!:DDDDD
"This is to express i little of myself...
_dedicated to those VULTURE EYES!
I didn't know you were a poet. :) Cool quote, too. :) I can relate.. about the loathing. you know. XD hehe.